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Tag: Positive


Family Dinner? Does This Exist?

It seems that eating dinner around the family table is becoming non-existent. I remember growing up that you had to be home at 6pm for dinner, you stayed outside playing all...

Benefits of a Single Mom

Good things about being a single parent that No One will tell you about. LOL! I get every other weekend to myself. On facebook one of my friends quoted another woman at the...
sick parent

Chronic Sickness & The Single Parent

Sickness Let’s face it, you can’t take the day off from work if you are sick,  but parenting is a whole different ball game because everyone still needs to eat, homework has...
Love Notes

School Day Traditions

Ok, so out of my own selfishness I was trying to consolidate my chores. I wanted the first school morning to be as smooth as possible.  I would pack snacks the night before...

Be A Smart Fish

This weekend I was reminded to be a “Smart Fish”. You know when you hear the same thing from several people that you have to think for a moment that a higher...

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