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Tag: Money

Late Rent. Now What???

Late rent is when you can’t pay your rent in full on or before your due date. These days with the inflation situation, many necessities like groceries, utilities and the monthly...

Lunch Money

Every day one of my coworkers, who happens to be a very close friend as well, tells me I am wasting my money on lunches. This particular coworker brings her lunch...

6 Legitimate ways to Make Money

We’ve all wanted to work from home at one point or another, but how many times have we heard about a scam or two?  I have researched and come up with...

Household Payday

I was surprised when I googled chore charts and found that I was letting my daughter off a little too easy. Out of guilt I was doing all the major cleaning...

Living Gluten Free on a Budget

I contemplated going gluten free for quite a while because of health reasons, but I held off simply because I had heard of the cost associated with specialty foods. I don’t...


Every child needs to learn the value of money. An allowance is the best way for them to learn as they earn. You know what your child is capable of but...

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