Loud Neighbors-Be Afraid… Be very Afraid.


Now I am mad. I mean very MAD.

Now don’t misunderstand me,  I completely understand if you have just bought a new townhouse or home and you have work to do, but come on– waiting until 10 pm to start the demolition and actually drilling and hammering at midnight? Who does that? Well new neighbors I have apparently do and after several days I lost my mind and went crazy. I think they are afraid of me at this point.  No seriously they are avoiding me every chance they can.

So here’s my side of the story. It was the fifth day of this type of nonsense. The hammering began just after 10 pm, around 11, I knocked on our adjoining wall just a couple of knocks to give them the idea of “hey I am asleep over here, please stop”. The hammering stopped for a bit prompting me to proceed to go back to sleep only to be startled around midnight.  I heard a drilling sound and felt for sure someone was drilling inside my head. Now I was beginning to get angry, I knocked a few more times. Still Drilling! So I put on my robe and went next door. I knocked on the front door, but no one could hear me. I walked around the entire house to the back yard and knocked on the patio door-No one heard me. It is just a younger man and his wife whom I had met and actually brought flowers for on their move in day. The nice woman said I cant wait to have you over for coffee. I love coffee-this was going to be great. Well now my dream of a wonderful neighbor had gone out with the drilling.

So the story continues-They couldn’t hear me so then I went back home and took a meat tenderizer (like a hammer ) and hit the wall just above my bed. My daughter was begging me to just call the police. “No sweetie, we will talk to them first. Maybe they are used to living in a separate house, not an adjoined townhouse.” I replied.

Now I will mention that I could see that all the blinds were open, lights on, and televisions blaring-but of course they couldn’t hear their TV over the drilling so they had to have it loud. My daughter who has  gone through a police class on drugs and gangs at school said,” Mom, what if they are on drugs? Please don’t go back over there.” I really hadn’t thought of that, my craziness and sleep deprivation had taken over me. So I decided not to go back over until morning. They finally stopped when I began shouting at them through the wall. I mean really yelling.  By now it was after 1am.

The next day I immediately got up and looked out the window to see their car was gone. I made a point of opening up all of my blinds so that when they came home I could have a polite conversation with them and get the issue resolved. I waited and waited and waited. I actually went to church that evening and came back much more calmer and even though their car was not in the driveway yet, I got up the courage to knock on their door. The man came to the door-Darn, I was hoping to have a chat with the wife whom I felt I knew.  “ Is your wife here?” I asked politely? “No she just left but will be right back”, he replied.  I was just standing there and felt a little dumb so I just said, “Oh I wanted to talk to her about the situation we had last night.”

“Oh yes, we are sorry about that and we are done so it shouldn’t be a problem anymore. I came downstairs when I heard you knocking last night, but no one was here.”

So they had heard me, they just hadn’t cared-nice…very nice.

“ Well I just thought that maybe yall came from a house and were not used to having a combined wall, but I wanted you to know that we go to bed around 10pm so drilling at 11 is a bit too much for us” I was really trying to be nice and give them the benefit of the doubt.

“10pm???” he sounded surprised, “No, we had an apartment in Jersey, but again, we are sorry.” I sighed. “Ok, well thanks for your time. Have a good day”.  I shook his hand and walked back home.

I haven’t seen them since. My daughter says they are afraid of me. But guess what at 10:30pm last night over a week later they started hammering on the other side of my daughter’s room now.  She came to tell me she couldn’t sleep but honestly I didn’t want to go back over late evening and confront them again. I have lived in my place for three years and all of the rest of the neighbors get along great. I’ve never heard anyone on either side of me until now.

My next step is to go to the Association. What would you do? Am I now the crazy lady from next door?

I want back my flowers back at this point.


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I am a single parent of three wonderful children. Two boys who are grown and live out on their own and a teenage daughter at home. I have gone through a lot of drama with divorce and sickness- just to start, but have found my way out of the shadows and I am ready to motivate and empower women with what I have learned. Being unqualified is exactly what makes me qualified. I work full time in the corporate world, I'm a parent, and I resell products on several different online platforms. Last, but the most important, I am a Christ follower at Church By The Glades.