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Keeping up

Nike Shoes
So the time came when my ten year olds daughter's fashion sense has kicked in and she is beginning to notice what other girls her age are wearing. Going to a uniform school, I have been able to bypass the usual requests of a specific shirt or skirts, but recently she came to me to have a sit down. It...
Are you looking for a meal or even a snack you can make in minutes? Well here is my go to when my daughter is starving and wants something to eat with substance. Ingredients 2 flour tortillas regular or gluten free if you need gluten free Mozzarella cheese Pam Butter cooking spray I take two tortillas,  I spray Pam butter cooking...
I found several articles regarding alkalizing. Studies show that acidity has been linked to pain, excess weight and many other health issues. Fortunately, making your body more alkaline (the opposite of acidic) is easy.  Here are 10 ways to alkalize your body for more energy and vitality: Start your day with a large glass of water with the juice...
sick parent
I’m stressed out and it is negatively affecting the way I single parent right now. My children are everything to me and I know from past experiences that they always pick up on my attitude even if I think I am doing my best to have my ”game face” on. Part of the issue is that I have not been...

Pioneer Woman

Last year as I was reviewing my fourth grader’s Social Studies test, I couldn’t help but laugh at an answer she had written. Of course in Fourth Grade it is all about the BEST answer, not a correct answer to a problem as it is enforced in Kindergarten through Third Grade, so fourth grade was a big change for...

The Game of Life

The board game of “Life” is in the closet still used from time to time, but I find that we tend to play the electronic version more often. If you are familiar with the game, it makes you spin a wheel moving your game piece and picking your life possibilities. Recently while playing the game of Life with my daughter...
It’s a secret shared previously with only a few of my closest friends, but since my unexpected divorce, my daughter has been acting out usually in the form of some type of tantrum. Whether it was refusing to get dressed for school or faking sick because she said she didn’t want to be without me to going into a...
What I want to share with this blog is only you know your body and only you. If you are taking care of yourself while seeing a physician and still you are having health problems then it is time to either stand up and say “hey I need you to hear me on this or find another doctor” one...
Pork Franchese
Gluten Free Pork Francese I happen to be in my local Publix picking up some groceries right at dinner time when I walked by the Aprons cooking station. The smell of Pork Franchese over Pesto Tortellini filled the air. I looked at the ingredients and realized much of it I already had at home and knew I could substitute a...
broiled fish
What does everyone want after a long day of work? A meal that makes itself and cleanup is a breeze? Today I was asked what my “go to” meal was when I was exhausted or had a lot to do because dinner still has to be made-Right? Immediately Broiled Fish came to mind. This is easy, but remember when I...

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