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Wow today is my oldest child’s 30th birthday, I have to tell you I am feeling a bit old with a nine year old taking up my routine daily responsibilities. It seems like it was only yesterday when my son Stephen was born. The question is how do you let go of your children when they are no longer children...
retrain during summer
I remember looking forward to summer as a child. No homework, sleeping in, and the sun- I loved being out in the sun.  Summer is in full swing for us and we are having a blast. I was able to change my hours at work which gives us two summer bonuses.  It allows us to sleep in a bit,...
prep dinners
I realized a long time ago that it takes just as much time to make two dinners as it does one so after I have created my weekly plan and know what activities we have for the week, I always account for a meal that can double as two. What craziness is this you ask? Let me tell you a...
autoimmune disease
So I'm just beginning to get my blog off the ground when I get sick. Have you ever seen the commercial on tv where the adult leans into a room sniffling and says, " I think I am going to have to call in sick tomorrow.", then the picture pans to the whole room and you are looking at a parent...
Every child needs to learn the value of money. An allowance is the best way for them to learn as they earn. You know what your child is capable of but I am from the old school age where we did all of our chores first thing Saturday morning before we were allowed to watch cartoons that waited for...

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