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Tag: Lifestyle

The Dreaded Move

Are you in the boat with me renting for a number of reasons? Maybe low credit or maybe you just don't know where you want to live. My lease is up...

The Chair

So my girlfriend and I sat on a park bench watching our girls practice volleyball the other evening and were finally given the time to catch up on what was going...

“Parkland Strong”

I couldn’t write about the tragedy before. I just didn’t know what to say. I sat down to write so many times and just couldn’t start with a single word. I...
Best Friend

Great Friends

Sadly my grown up kids cannot be here for the holidays, but I am fortunate to have great friends that are like a large family to me. Besides, you know the...

Should Convicts Vote?

I was enjoying a gorgeous, sunny Sunday when my daughter asked me if we could run to the library to get a book she wanted. Who am I to say no...

The Interview

I just saw a preview for a new series beginning on tv called "The Job Interview" where “someone is going to get hired.” My immediate thought was why? What could this...

Emotional Vampires

Do you have emotional vampires in your life? You know that one person you have just had contact with and now you feel you need a nap because you are so...

Learning to DeStress

Dealing with Tragedy. Sesame Street has taught us about life lessons for quite some time and now they have taken on another topic teaching us how to destress. There are so...

Hurricane Preparedness Tips

Its a couple of days before the Hurricane hits and the weather is quiet and calm. All you hear is the drills of people putting up shutters and plywood to protect...
customer service

Is Customer Service Dead?

I started to believe customer service was dead when I came across a couple of incidents that really bothered me. One example: I was getting lunch the other day at a...

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