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I am fortunate that my youngest child who is still in school-sixth grade, wants to get good grades and it is so important to her that the first thing she does...

The Interview

I just saw a preview for a new series beginning on tv called "The Job Interview" where “someone is going to get hired.” My immediate thought was why? What could this...

Exercise Month ???

I’m so frustrated. I have lost my willpower. I was feeling so good working out hard every day, eating healthy, and taking my supplements. My migraines had almost completely stopped. I...

3’ B’s… Breathe, Be Present, Be Grateful.

I was watching television last night when Oprah Winfrey appeared and began speaking on one of those evening entertainment shows. She was saying that when people are not calm it is...

Learning to DeStress

Dealing with Tragedy. Sesame Street has taught us about life lessons for quite some time and now they have taken on another topic teaching us how to destress. There are so...

Hurricane Preparedness Tips

Its a couple of days before the Hurricane hits and the weather is quiet and calm. All you hear is the drills of people putting up shutters and plywood to protect...

Organizing for School

I know when I started back at college a couple of years ago, after many years of being away from school, my first class was a class on how to study....
index cards

School Ready

Does your child suffer from anxiety the couple of weeks before school begins? My daughter has always had issues sleeping and just an overall bad attitude a couple of weeks just...

12 Things to Do on a Rainy Day

12 Things to do on a Rainy day when you don’t have a crafty bone in your body. Yesterday it rained and rained with the forecast calling for rain all weekend. I...

6 Legitimate ways to Make Money

We’ve all wanted to work from home at one point or another, but how many times have we heard about a scam or two?  I have researched and come up with...

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