Home Health & Wellness Physical Health

Physical Health

Game Night
So being quarantined inside the house might be driving  you and your family crazy, but if you think about it, it just gives us a great opportunity to connect with our family. Last night we had game night and my teen and I had a blast. We played Checkers-Some large ones I found. We played the Game of Life and...
The New Normal… What is the new normal? Working from home, School from home? It sure is in Broward County, Florida. No paper products such as toilet paper or paper towels, no meat in the meat ailes. Curfews on certain businesses. So I had to come up with some rules for normalcy. I have made new house rules that my 14...
It hit me like a rock. I woke up with my muscles aching and my head pounding. I could barely see from a severe migraine. It was definitely not going to be a good day. I had to call into work, which is always the worst feeling mentally. Knowing that other people have to pick up your slack. I stayed...
I have learned several things about myself such as… I have no patience. As a person who tries to get my to do list done ASAP, I find that I am putting too much pressure on myself to get my list done to every day. I find I am getting frustrated with myself because I am not drinking enough water. Not the amount that...
Ever had a day when everything goes right? Well I am happy to say that that was my day today. I know right? When do you hear me say this? Have I gone mad? This is Day 2 of my Be Better Challenge. Work went spectacular, I was able to keep up with every project I was given. Work ended with...
I’m obsessed with the show-Revenge Body with Khloe Kardashian.  Part of it is that I am overweight and need to lose some weight for health reasons, but the other part is that a coworker keeps commenting on what I am eating and what I should eat or shouldn’t eat. I mean daily, all day. He’s known me for 22 years and feels...
a better me
Ok, so I was inspired by a blogger I follow that has created a challenge and invited others to join him at www.danoah.com (Single Dad Laughing). I thought what a great idea since I have really felt that I needed a change in my life for some time now. First I started with a list of things I wanted to...
What I want to share with this blog is only you know your body and only you. If you are taking care of yourself while seeing a physician and still you are having health problems then it is time to either stand up and say “hey I need you to hear me on this or find another doctor” one...

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