Tag: Lifestyle
Loud Neighbors-Be Afraid… Be very Afraid.
Now I am mad. I mean very MAD. Now don’t misunderstand me, I completely understand if you have just bought a new townhouse or home and you have work to do, but...
12 Things to Do on a Rainy Day
12 Things to do on a Rainy day when you don’t have a crafty bone in your body.
Yesterday it rained and rained with the forecast calling for rain all weekend. I...
6 Legitimate ways to Make Money
We’ve all wanted to work from home at one point or another, but how many times have we heard about a scam or two? I have researched and come up with...
Cyber Tips
We all worry about our children entering into the world of technology, I felt I had to do some research and come up with several tips to help us all. Most...
Bag Gardening
So today we wanted a quick project that my daughter and I could do together, but wouldn’t take up our whole day. We had been talking about a garden for quite...
Spring Break Camping
Every Spring Break my daughter proceeds to tell me all the fabulous places her friends are going or how the Jone's family is going to get to have the week off....
Down Day-It Happens to All of Us.
I’m stressed out and it is negatively affecting the way I single parent right now. My children are everything to me and I know from past experiences that they always pick...
Pioneer Woman
Last year as I was reviewing my fourth grader’s Social Studies test, I couldn’t help but laugh at an answer she had written. Of course in Fourth Grade it is all...
The Game of Life
The board game of “Life” is in the closet still used from time to time, but I find that we tend to play the electronic version more often. If you are...