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The Heart Felt Gift

I have been fortunate in my life to experienced so many things and have so many possessions when at one time I could fit everything I had in one small hatchback...

Family Dinner? Does This Exist?

It seems that eating dinner around the family table is becoming non-existent. I remember growing up that you had to be home at 6pm for dinner, you stayed outside playing all...

Meal Preparation and Planning

Meal Planning-Yes, it is something that has to be done for two reasons. 1st- you have to be organized if you are going to do this successfully and 2nd it helps your financial budget. Now there are...
sick parent

Chronic Sickness & The Single Parent

Sickness Let’s face it, you can’t take the day off from work if you are sick,  but parenting is a whole different ball game because everyone still needs to eat, homework has...

Living Gluten Free on a Budget

I contemplated going gluten free for quite a while because of health reasons, but I held off simply because I had heard of the cost associated with specialty foods. I don’t...
Love Notes

School Day Traditions

Ok, so out of my own selfishness I was trying to consolidate my chores. I wanted the first school morning to be as smooth as possible.  I would pack snacks the night before...

Back To School Anxiety

Does your child have anxiety about the first day of school? All of my children have always had a bit of anxiety going back to school after a fun filled summer, but...
parenting communication

Top 5 Tips For Communicating with your Parenting Partner

Top 5 Tips for Communicating with your Parenting Partner If you have children, you have to communicate with your “parenting partner” in some capacity, but it doesn’t have to be years of...
retrain during summer

Summer Brain Re-train

I remember looking forward to summer as a child. No homework, sleeping in, and the sun- I loved being out in the sun.  Summer is in full swing for us and...
prep dinners

Time Saving Dinners

I realized a long time ago that it takes just as much time to make two dinners as it does one so after I have created my weekly plan and know...

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